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My epic family story~

Family story : My great grandfather (the grandfather of my mother) was Spanish, from Barcelona, and his father was the director of the port of Barcelone. When Franco came to power, he went to the resistance and at a moment he could not continue because he was too much hurt physically. He went to France with some people from the resistance and the gun of his unit. But at the border he was arrested by the gestapo and went in Cote D´Armor in a concentration camp in Saint Malo.

Then he met my great grandmother, who was very poor, she was 17 years old at this time and had to work for German people (cleaning, making food,etc…) and they fell in love there. She was serving the food for the prisoners when they met. My great grandfather was very smart and spoke 5 languages so he translated things for the Germans, thanks to that, he had a lot of advantages compared to the others, and he has not been gase directly. But one day, he went to Auschwitz by train… But guess what? The train was bombed by the allies and he could escape. He hid by walking at night and ate a lot of apples (because they were many in Normandie) and that’s how he survived. And then he came back to Saint Malo to escape with my great grandmother to hid and they moved near Paris. My great grandmother had a baby in 1944 (my grandmother) and another baby in 1946.

Hↂpe aka 희망

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