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The little painter.

To you. Hello, here is the Earth. Can you hear me? Hey, mic check, can you hear me? Yay! It’s finally working! It’s your sweetie Hope time. Welcome, and just follow my little hopeful story . Hope you enjoy it! Once upon a time, there was a little painter who travelled around a lot of cities to ask people if they could help him to find the right color to finish his painting. When he began his journey, he already had in his head the colors he wanted for this big painting. He was very excited to finish it! But every time he asked for a color he desired, people of the city would just answer that they didn’t have it, sadly. Instead, people of the city put another color. And little by little, the painting of the little painter took a form. But without the color he wanted originally. He was so sad that he wanted to leave his motivation to look after the perfect colors. But, the little painter didn’t notice that even without the colors he wanted, the painting was so harmonious and beautiful. Sometimes (ok, many times) we don’t have what we desire. We can search it as long as we want and be disappointed when life gives us something else in return. But even knowing that, don’t give up and keep your head up! One day, you will see that everything happens for a reason. And everything will become perfect at the right time and the right place. Don’t worry and don’t be afraid of being yourself! You’re special. Hↂpe aka 희망

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