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ZAD's new society

In Notre-Dame-des-Landes, not far from Nantes, in France, a place called La ZAD (Zone to defend) works as a little and independent society, a new way to think life in group.

First, this zone was made against an airport project which would destroy an ancestral bocage where a lot of farmers were working. Some people, extremely involved in the ecologicals causes decided to take over the place as a way to show their disagreement. They occupying the area as a sit-in way to protest, but it became stronger than that, days after days it became a little town between field and forest.

Then something really exceptional happened. This little town became a symbol of hope for all the people who believe that another society is possible - an anti-capitalistic way of thinking with a great respect of nature, a place without government where everyone is respectful to all the others inhabitants. Even though it's a place of revolt, it's also a place of love and peace where a lot of feminist, ecological, vegan and political debates take place.

They are almost completely independent, they feed themselves with products which grow in the fields, they use rain water to take showers, the kids are educated by the parents and their friends. Moreover, some couples decided to build huts in trees to dwell in.

Unfortunately this society is probably going to disappear because Vinci (the company which builds the airport ) will soon expel the inhabitants of La ZAD.

But if they try to do it, most of all the government’s fighter are going to come to fight together against the construction and for the possibility of a new world la ZAD is building. It is how things happen, you have to start small, to hope big.


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