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Unsure of what to study in uni?

Hello everybody!

So today I’m going to share a website with you that I discovered a few days ago. It is is called FutureLearn, and it is a website where you can find all kinds of university courses for free in English and it is accessible on most devices. Don’t let the fact that the courses are from universities discourage you! This website is also aimed at younger people trying to prepare for university.

I am currently trying to learn Dutch, and so far I understand the classes (yet, I feel like Duolinguo was a better language learning website). Nevertheless, language classes are not like academic or artistic classes, and I’m not counting on learning perfect Dutch online.

This website could be extremely helpful for all of you considering going to English universities but are afraid that your English might not be good enough. FutureLearn could also help those of you who have a good level of English but aren’t sure what to study yet. If there are many subjects that intrigue you but you aren’t sure what might actually interest you once you’re learning it, you can find the course on the website and try it. You will eventually be able to determine what is for you, and what isn’t. There are so many diverse courses on there that you will find at least a few things that spark your interest or attract you. You can consider it like a little taster plate of university courses.

Another good thing about this website, is the fact that the courses are of short duration, most are 2 to 6 weeks long and only require a few hours per week (Around 3 hours). Completing them require independence and determination, since you’re only doing them for yourself and no one will supervise you. However these classes were crafted by experts, so the classes should usually be well organized. Forums exist within courses so students can help each other out.

If I were you, I would give it a try. It might really help you realize that a program might not be for you. If it completely bores you, then maybe you were just idealizing a subject that appeals to you in theory, but not so much in practice; maybe it will spare you from realizing it mid-program once you’re already in university.

Many universities participate by allowing students to take some of their courses, you could maybe find one of the courses from the university you want to attend to, and roughly see how they work.

This website can be good for students that are unsure of their interests, or the opposite, those who seem to be interested in everything and can’t seem to able to make a choice! It will help improve your English, and will definitely give you extra personal knowledge. It will allow you to develop your independence and you can manage your own timetable. I feel like it’s worth a shot, and since it’s free and without any obligations, you have nothing to lose!

However, remember that an online class will never be the same as an on-campus university course. Have fun and don’t take it too seriously!

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